I Want A New Design!
I've got a wonderful header from Linda for this blog but I'm still not satisfied with the layout. I know, don't these default designs just irk you? And some of my friends have been telling me to move to Wordpress. So I was doing a bit of surfing for a new blog layout and then I came across this contest by Shera to give away two, yes two, custom blog designs!
I went to Shera's store, Sweet ‘n Simple Design, and wow... I love the Just Monkeyin' Around design! Ok, maybe that's just because I love animals (cats, dogs, monkeys...) but oh well, I just love it. And I'd love a custom design either for this blog or for a new Wordpress blog (yes, maybe that'll help me make up my mind). So wish me luck and hope I win!
Here's her contest post!