Google Legolicious!

Christopher of iMod noticed something I think many of us noticed when we were doing our usual web surfing - the current catchy new Google logo - made from lego!

In his article, Christopher mentioned some interesting occurences which made lego an ideal match for Google's new logo. I also didn't know that there is actually a lego store in Bellevue. I wonder if the shop is made of lego itself =)

Anyways, Christopher is also having another of his Entrecard contests so you can pop over if you're interested.

Hmm, I wonder if I can make a lego Lucy?

Any Food Recommendations?

I was wondering if any of you have some recommendations for cat food which is nutritious and not too pricey. I am planning a new diet for Lucy.


Yay! Another Giveaway!

Yay! There are more Entrecard credits to be given away. This time, iMod is giving away 350 of them. You must do a few things before you can get the credits, such as blog about his blog and link to various posts. You can find the rest of the contest details here.

iMod is run by this dashing guy Christopher who is a online marketer and blogger. I like his post on the effects of caffeine because I'm absolutely addicted to coffee. It scares me a little so I'm cutting down my consumption by a little (well, it is hard to totally not drink it=).

But don't worry, little Lucy doesn't get a sip of my coffee so she's safe. Lucky for you, Lucy!

More Entrecard Credits To Advertise!

I stumbled upon a contest where you can get 500 Entrecard credits for free. It is by Affiliate Lounge, which has some fabulous information on affiliate programs and more.
I liked this post about the possibility of having Entrecard on Facebook. Well, check out his site while I go and feed Lucy!

My Sunshine

My sunshine is the smile on the faces of people I meet everyday. They are like rays from the sun which warm my heart. They can be loved ones, neighbors, colleagues or even strangers. And of course, Lucy as well (Yes, she does smile!)

You can never imagine the power of a simple smile even on a cold, winter's day.

Next time you meet someone, give them a smile, it doesn't cost you anything!

Lucy Is Sick

Poor Lucy is sick so I took a day off work to take her to Dr Simons. Luckily it is just a minor infection.

Hopefully she will be better tomorrow.

Contest To Help Get Noticed

I was out surfing for my blog design and hey, I stumbled upon another contest - this time giving away entrecard credits. According to my sister Jonah, this is free advertising for bloggers.

I really need to get this new blog noticed so this would suit me. But Jonah says that the top blogs all require many credits to advertise so this contest by Belolats dot com is just right for me. She's giving 500 credits weekly and some link love to the winner as well. If I win, I'd probably sign up for an entrecard account.

Got to feed dear Lucy now. See you!

I Want A New Design!

I've got a wonderful header from Linda for this blog but I'm still not satisfied with the layout. I know, don't these default designs just irk you? And some of my friends have been telling me to move to Wordpress. So I was doing a bit of surfing for a new blog layout and then I came across this contest by Shera to give away two, yes two, custom blog designs!

I went to Shera's store, Sweet ‘n Simple Design, and wow... I love the Just Monkeyin' Around design! Ok, maybe that's just because I love animals (cats, dogs, monkeys...) but oh well, I just love it. And I'd love a custom design either for this blog or for a new Wordpress blog (yes, maybe that'll help me make up my mind). So wish me luck and hope I win!

Here's her contest post!

Macy Gives Birth

Some great news today! My cousin Jennifer's darling, Macy, gave birth to two cute kittens today. I hope I can get photos of them to post soon.

Work In Progress

This blog is still a work in progress due to the enormous amount of work I have but I'll try to do updates once in a while. Do send me your meowy stories if you have them.


Welcome to my new blog, Meowlicious!