Back With An Ezine Contest has got a nice contest under way.
The prizes on offer are:
5000 Entrecard Credits - They have purchased the credits and the contest winner will win 5,000 Entrecard credits in the form of a coupon code that will add 5,000 credits immediately to your account. If you are not familiar with Entrecard or you don’t have an account you can get the details on (Sorry, no substitutions) Value: $47.50 USD
100 Promotional Buttons - They purchased buttons from Stick It To Me Buttons and are going to buy the winner of their promotional contest a set of 100 promotional buttons. (Your choice of 1″, 1.5″, or 2.25″ buttons) - Value: $20.00 - $41.00 USD
One year Pro membership to - Your Ad Tracker is a paid only Pro membership site for the serious marketer. It’s a link tracking site with short URL and referral program. The contest winner receives one year full Pro membership free of charge. - Value: $39.95 USD
Site Review on - The contest winner will also win a site/blog review on his personal blog. They will review the winner’s site within 30 days of receiving the site URL in the form of a blog post. The review will become a permanent post in their archives as long as the site stays online. The review will include a direct link to the winner’s site that is search engine friendly without the ‘no-follow’ tag. - Value: $25.00 USD
It's easy to enter their contest and you can get all the juicy details here. Lucy seems interested. Are you?